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Using video to engage your team

Sunday, April 19, 2020 3:50 PM

video production Edmonton

Using video to engage your team

Since the beginning of time, we have been drawn to messages heavy on visual content. So it makes sense to believe that an internal marketing strategy that contains video will boost employee satisfaction and engagement.

Why use video for internal communications?

81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and 99% of those who already use it, claim they’ll continue using it. The report further claimed that most marketers found video helped their customers understand their product or service better and enabled them to increase sales.

So video definitely needs to be a key part of your internal communications planning. It can help you effectively increase employee engagement, enhance employee satisfaction and improve your work culture.

There are several ways you can effectively incorporate video for internal communications.


Recruitment videos

What better way to show prospective employees what your company values are and an excellent way to define your company’s culture among its current employees. As an internal comms professional, if you’re serious about enhancing your company’s work culture, you should consider working with HR to create a fun recruitment video.

Not only is it a great way to show prospective workers what your company values are, it’s also an excellent way to define your company’s culture among its current employees to increase employee satisfaction. You can feature your current employees in these videos as well so that they’re prompted to promote the videos internally. This will, of course, lead to higher levels of engagement.

Many employees expect you to ask them to get involved. Oh, and of course, they’ll feel appreciated and engaged with their jobs more if they’re asked to be a part of it!

Employee Experience Videos

This is an excellent way to highlight the story of your company and instil it into the hearts of your employees. Good companies always focus internally and encompass unique employee experiences as part of its larger story. You don’t necessarily need to focus on recruitment when creating a video for internal communications purposes. You could plan a video showcasing diverse employees sharing their unique employee experiences in a video.

What a great way to highlight your company’s work culture and boost employee engagement at the same time! Employees can talk about what makes their employee experience so unique at your company. A good company will always focus internally and encompass unique employee experiences as part of its larger story.

Once you make employees feel like they’re part of your company’s story, they will begin to truly understand what your company’s overall mission is and how they fit into the larger picture. You can also show the video at all your internal company events to encourage team spirit and camaraderie among your employees.

Videos like these are also great additions for your internal newsletters. By circulating such videos in your employee newsletters, you’ll ensure dispersed and remote workers also watch the video and feel like they’re a part of your company’s story.

Track Video Engagement

Defining and communicating core company values helps employees understand why the work they do matters. It also motivates them to play a part in building your company’s overall employee brand. This also helps employees understand why the work they do matters.

For example, if your company cares deeply about sustainability issues then showcasing your organization’s leading role within the realm of social responsibility, through a video, would be ideal.

Video for Internal Training Purposes

Videos can be a great and effective way of reducing training time and an awesome learning tool for new hires as well as existing employees. Training and onboarding new employees can be an extremely time consuming process. It can be even more complicated if your company is dealing with dispersed employees all across the globe.

Videos can be a great and effective way of reducing training time and an awesome learning tool for new hires as well as existing employees. Research has shown that people learn better through audio-visual means. So you should really think about getting rid of the enormous onboarding booklets you’ve created and switch over to video!

This will definitely improve employee satisfaction and enable effective internal communication.

Using Video for Internal & External Communications

Using video to tie both internal and external communications together is an excellent idea. This will help you promote cross departmental collaboration, which will, in turn, boost employee engagement internally among colleagues. An important aspect of effective communications that many professionals often overlook is how significant it is for internal and external communications to work together.

How can you effectively deploy internal stories to further help build your company’s external marketing efforts? Using video to tie both internal and external communications together is an excellent idea. This will help you promote cross departmental collaboration, which will, in turn, boost employee engagement internally among colleagues.

Explainer Videos for Internal Communications

Having relevant explainer videos, that can communicate the key aspects of your product for new hires, is important. Explainer videos are great for showcasing a new product launch internally and communicating how the product works.

If your own employees have no clue on how your products or services operate, then how can you expect them to communicate this to your customers or clients? So having relevant explainer videos, that can communicate the key aspects of your product for new hires is important.

If you have a new product launch, you can also create an internal video to show existing employees how the new product works.

Why Use Video for Internal Communications?

Using video for internal communications will help you stay connected to remote workers.

Utilizing video for internal communications will allow you to communicate your company’s values and mission statement to both internal and external audiences. You can also measure how successful a certain video was internally by looking at the total number of internal video views.

Track Video Link Clicks Via Internal Emails

You could take this a step further by circulating employee satisfaction surveys asking your employees to rate their level of engagement on each video. According to Harvard Business Review, an engagement survey is the most effective way of gauging engagement levels.

After you’ve assessed the performance of your various internal videos, you can determine how effective a certain video was in changing your organization’s employee satisfaction levels.

If you would like to arrange a free consultation on how we can help you with your video production needs, then call Andy Holt on 780-907-1445. This can be conducted via Skype, Zoom or a simple telephone call.