
A2 Blog

Video Marketing Styles — Part One

Friday, January 28, 2022 2:44 PM

We will be sharing a series of posts that deal with the subject of the varying types of video marketing content. 

There are many different reasons for the increased popularity in video content.

Let’s remember, people prefer videos to any other type of media content. Mainly because they are engaging, entertaining and easily accessible. Videos provide the viewer with information in a faster, more efficient way. Therefore driving home the message and providing information at a faster rate than printed text. In this fast-paced world people are constantly searching for easier ways to find the information they need. So what better way than using video! 

Videos attract potential buyers/users of your product or service. It has been proven that over 75% of customers decide to download an app after watching a short informative video. This leads to increased brand engagement and potential purchases.

Video content is shareable. There is a good chance that while scrolling through social media and you stumble upon a great video you are more likely to share it wth your network. This creates a viral response where the video can get re-shared within other circles. This can be one of the most effective ways to gain maximum reach of your video campaign. It’s also cost-effective, too. 

There are many different types of video, and just as many styles. It is always best to try and create a familiar look to your video marketing content. A video production company can help you maintain your brand through the subtle use of voiceover, music and continuity of graphics.

So what are some styles of video you can aim to create. Here is a selection:


These videos target the immediate needs of the viewer. They can simply make the customer aware of something they didn’t know existed before, or they can inform the viewer of essential information surrounding your product or service.


This type of video is created to inform your customer on how to operate a piece of equipment, use a product or piece of software for instance. This will increase the confidence a customer has in your company or brand.

Industry-Related Videos

Update videos can provide the viewer with industry news and information to give your customer base valuable insight into your operation. This educates the customer and keeps them aware of changing trends. 

Demonstration Videos

Product Demos are fine-tuned and focused on a particular product. It’s a great idea to keep your customers aware of developments and new product releases. Demonstrate to the customer how your product(s) will benefit them and even if they are not ready to make the purchase right away, these videos can lead to sales in the future.