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The 2024 Guide to Explainer Videos

Thursday, December 28, 2023 1:20 PM

The 'Explainer Video'. While it might not be glamorous, it is a really helpful piece of video production. At A-Squared, we're passionate about bringing your video story to life. As part of that commitment, we make sure our clients are aware of the most recent tools and trends in the business. In this article, we'll concentrate on explainer videos, a popular and incredibly successful storytelling technique in the digital era.

A Powerful Tool for YourNarrative: Explainer Videos

If we were to describe explainer videos in more detail, they are brief (but informative), captivating digital films intended to simplify the complicated, be it an idea, product, or service. For example, they can describe the operation of a complex machine or the unique features of your software. Beyond that, though, they are an effective means of narrating the tale of your brand, engaging your audience, and making your point clear.

Benefits of Explainer Videos

Explainer video success has been repeatedly investigated, evaluated, and ultimately validated. They can greatly enhance conversions, increase audience retention, and make material easier to understand. A staggering 95% of individuals have viewed an explainer video to gain additional knowledge about a product or service.  The data presents a convincing story: explainer videos are now essential and no longer only a 'nice-to-have'.

How to Make an Explainer Video

The craft of producing explanation videos has been honed into a methodical procedure here at A-Squared. Initially, our focus is on pinpointing your intended audience and articulating your message in unambiguous terms. After that, we write the script, which is where we tell your narrative in a clear and captivating manner. We then change our focus to the visual element. With dynamic graphics and animation, our gifted artists and animators bring your story to life and visually tell your message. We make sure your film is entertaining and memorable in addition to being educational.

Voiceovers, Music and Audio

An essential—yet frequently disregarded—aspect of persuasive explainer videos is sound design. The appropriate soundtrack highlights your story and establishes the video's emotional tone. An expertly recorded voiceover can also help your audience follow the story and increase the impact of what you're trying to say.

Explainer Videos in 2024

In 2024, the world of explainer videos will look even more interesting. Technological developments have created new opportunities, making it possible to use methods like virtual reality, AI and 3D animation to produce even more captivating and immersive experiences. Explainer video technology has a bright future ahead of it, and A-Squared is well-prepared to assist you in telling your narrative.

In Conclusion

You're behind the times if you're still wondering why you need one. Individuals eagerly seek out and interact with explainer videos, frequently watching them through to the finish. For your brand, you want interaction on a grand scale like that. Additionally, if you don't provide them, your competitor will.

An effective weapon in your video marketing toolbox is an explainer video. They simplify difficult concepts into accessible, captivating stories that are both educational and entertaining. As specialists in the field, A-Squared is eager to work with you to fully utilize explainer videos to create a memorable narrative for your brand. If you would like to find out how we can assist your company with its video marketing strategy, please call Andy Holt on 780-907-1445 for a free, no obligation meeting or telephone call.