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The Benefits of HR Recruitment Videos

Thursday, June 22, 2023 10:13 AM

There are many reasons why you should include recruitment videos in your HR marketing plan.


Video production is a growing trend in the HR field, the effective hiring of the proper applicant in the future of recruiting will rely on digital tools with techniques like social networking, mobile apps, and artificial intelligence. It should come as no surprise that video recruitment has become prevalent given the increasing popularity of all these new tactics.

Many organizations are increasing the use of video in their hiring, interviewing, and recruitment processes. For the purpose of attracting prospects and more effectively expressing who they are and what they stand for, many businesses are producing recruiting videos and posting them on YouTube and other social media platforms, as well as embedding them on their job websites.

Due to their capacity to draw an increased number of job applicants, especially those in younger generations, recruitment videos have grown in popularity. Video content can achieve much more than traditional recruiting methods. They portray your company's identity in a way that attracts potential candidates by capturing its brand and culture.

As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." If so, consider how much a recruitment video can communicate to its audience. Here are just a few of the reasons you should use video production in your recruitment strategy.

1. Reach a wider audience and retain interest

Many organizations have already started to realize that the old strategies are no longer sufficient to sustain a competitive advantage when it comes to recruitment. Companies must capitalize on the popularity of digital media as a result of the recent advances in web and mobile technologies. 

According to MWP Digital Media, 59% of executives concur that they are more likely to pick video over text if both are offered on the same subject. People's preference for video over text is growing more prevalent in the workplace. Companies cannot dispute the value of video in their recruitment channels, whether it has to do with the significance of mobile technology in the present world or the idea that the average person's attention span is always shrinking.

65% of video watchers watch more than three quarters of a video. So utilizing video content in your recruitment process ensures a wider reach of any recruitment activity because people prefer watching videos over reading.

Recruitment videos are freely accessible on websites like YouTube and Instagram, where viewers can also like and share them. These interactive elements not only hold the viewer's attention, but also position them as brand ambassadors, ensuring that they learn about the firm and its brand in a way that encourages sharing.

2. Stay ahead of the competition

Videos are being used more frequently as a recruiting tool. As a result, if you don't incorporate videos into your own approach, you will lag behind businesses that do. Being overshadowed by rivals results in a lack of support, can be detrimental to the reputation of the business, and ultimately increases the chance of losing applicants with excellent potential.

Job advertisements with video content earned 12% more views than those without videos. When adding video to job advertising, companies also see an increase in candidate applications of 34% on average. However, businesses that have not yet used video in their hiring process are losing out on engaging with that 34% of candidates.

Engagement doesn't just become more significant after the candidate is employed. Before deciding to accept a position, people must be interested in and engaged with the organization. This guarantees that the chosen individual is committed to both their job function and the corporate mission.

It isn’t just private companies that use video in their recruitment strategies, here is a video we created for the Government of Alberta as part of a recruitment drive to find suitable applicants for judicial clerk positions.

3. Attract younger generations.

The workplace of the future is already here. If your recruiting approach doesn't include snatching up the best and most recent individuals from the talent pool, you've already slipped behind all the other businesses that have started.

A crucial component of this is accepting the advantages of video recruitment. Men spend 40% more time watching videos online than women do, and the 25-34 (millennial) age group watches the most of them. If you can get their attention, these prospects are the tech-savvy and forward-thinking workforce that will boost company growth and promote innovation.

54% of millennials, according to research on this generation, visit YouTube every day. Companies cannot dispute that social media and video recruitment are some of the greatest methods to attract generations Y and Z when you consider the fact that 100 million hours of video material are watched on Facebook every day and that Instagram has more users than Twitter aged 16 to 44.

Millennials will make up nearly half of the workforce in just a few short years. By 2030, they will make up 75% of it. It is inevitable that modern, effective methods of recruitment will need to replace outdated, conventional ones in order to attract the top candidates from these generations.

The recruitment process has always required significant financial investment. Each candidate who is given consideration incurs expenditures, and the entire hiring process—from the preliminary interview to the background investigation—is expensive. A new position is typically filled through traditional hiring methods in 45 days on average, at a cost of $1,500 to $5,000.

Candidate selection is undoubtedly expensive; if done incorrectly, the expenses become even higher. Hiring mistakes can cost businesses an average of $50,000 each, and replacing an employee can cost up to four times their yearly compensation.

The likelihood that a candidate will be a good fit and reduce the possibility that they will become dissatisfied and quit your firm are both increased when they are initially drawn to your organization's culture, mission, and ethos.

Thankfully, improvements are being made to the recruitment and selection process. When people hear the term "recruitment video," they might picture a lavish hour-long production with numerous cameramen and a yelling director. Fortunately, such is not the case because filming these movies has become much simpler and less expensive thanks to advancements in technology.

A modest investment in a competent video production company will elevate your recruitment video. Compared to text and images put together, social video generates 1200% more shares. These short form movies are an efficient and effective approach to build your company's brand because they work on a variety of platforms and can be shared by staff members on social media.

5. Find candidates that fit your culture

Mistakes in the hiring process account for 80% of employee attrition. Most of these mistakes are the result of a flawed interview process. When pursuing prospects, hiring managers need to seek for a particular skill set. However, placing too much emphasis on technical skills obscures another crucial characteristic — culture fit.

Hiring staff that are compatible with your organization's culture can increase employee satisfaction, boost productivity, and enhance the overall working environment. But how can a video aid in finding the ideal match?

A successful recruitment film should demonstrate to candidates what life would be like if they joined your team. This is a skill that cannot be acquired through a phone interview or even a single in-person meeting.

One idea is to create a recruitment film that accurately depicts a typical day in your company. This is a chance to show off the genuine atmosphere of the workplace and showcase the setting, style, and personalities that make up the organization.

A normal workstation setup, the front entrance, the kitchen where they'll have lunch, and the locations where meetings will take place should all be displayed. Interview employees, the viewers' potential coworkers, and find out why they think your company is a fantastic place to work. The more clearly candidates can picture themselves working for your organization, the more accurate their evaluation will be. Companies that don't hold back from displaying their true selves are more likely to draw candidates who fit their culture and goals. Here is an example of a recruitment video we created for Bartle & Gibson that includes many employee testimonials talking about how they value their employment within the organization.

6. Your employer brand will grow.

It is clear that recruitment films are the ideal instrument for developing and enhancing your company's persona and brand. Although words have a lot of power, they are unable to capture the enthusiasm and excitement that permeate a firm the way video can. Companies must portray their corporate culture, products, and services in order to project a strong brand image.

Unrealistic staging or overly staged events will only fail to accurately convey your brand to candidates. People seek authenticity, thus anything fake will work against your objectives. it’s better to highlight the distinctive features of your business with live footage from meetings, regular activities, especially individual testimonials - anything that conveys the character of your business and makes it seem "real."

Platforms for video and your HR strategy

Any organization's long-term success rests on its capacity to identify and enlist the top fresh talent. Corporate recruiting videos have shown to be a successful strategy for accomplishing this. Sharing your content on YouTube will make it even more accessible to the right candidates for your organization. 

Video traffic already accounts for 80% of all internet traffic, this is the ideal time to incorporate video into your hiring process. If you would like to find out how we can assist your company with its video marketing strategy, please call Andy Holt on 780-907-1445 for a free, no obligation meeting or telephone call.